Case of thinning hair

Oriental medicine deals with thinning hair and hair loss

Presented about thinning hair at an academic conference

Kondo Acupuncture and Moxibustion clinic is working on measures against thinning hair.

Fukuoka prefecture in Japan. 


I made a presentation at the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on measures against thinning hair.

The clinic is being inquired by people who are worried about thinning hair.


I'm getting more and more inquiries about thinning hair recovery time, treatment recovery, costs,and dealing with women.

We continue to support the hair of men and women in their 20s and 60s.


I get a consultation that my hair loss has increased after my pregnancy and childbirth.

There is an increasing number of consultations as to whether age is also relevant.


Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation should be placed outside the head.

The best treatment for each person has a positive effect on the hair.


Stimulate acupuncture and moxibustion in a place other than the head.

The best treatment for each person has a positive effect on the hair.


The patient has undergone acupuncture and moxibustion to relax, feel positive, and have a healthy body and hair.

This is a report of a case in which acupuncture stimulation alone had an effect without using drugs or hair growth agents as a measure against thinning hair and hair loss.


Hair grows with nourishment from the blood flowing through the scalp.

Good blood circulation in the scalp leads to a condition in which hair does not easily come off and grows easily.


Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation is a measure against thinning hair, which promotes blood circulation and prevents hair loss.

The purpose of acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation to prevent thinning hair is to promote blood circulation and prevent hair loss.


Acupuncture was given to two people suffering from shinning hair.

The circular photograph in the figure is a microscope image.

The photo below shows the area of thinning hair.


全日本鍼灸学会雑誌第65巻 平成29年5月東京大会

The thinning hair of the two people gradually decreased in the amount of oil-like substances as they continued acupuncture.


The hair became shiny, thick and strong, and began to become firm.

It was also confirmed that the area of thinning hair became smaller.

Why does acupuncture affect thinning hair and hair loss?


It utilizes the vascular response of acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation. Beauty acupuncture, which is a hot topic these days, also uses the vascular reaction to the face.


The hair follicles at the roots are only dormant.

Hormonal action is one of the causes of thinning hair, but

the cells of the hair root are in a sleeping state.


Thinning hair comes off without rooting in newly born hair.

In other words, the pace of exit is accelerating.


Hair will come off the scalp after 4 to 6 years.

Hair reaches the end of its life without growing sufficiently.

Hair receives nutrition from the hair follicles.

If the hair does not receive nutrition from the hair follicles, it will not grow and become thin.


Acupuncture stimulates vascular reactions and alters blood circulation.

The activity of the hair root makes the hair thicker.

It is thought that when the hair root wakes up from sleep, it rejuvenates the hair.


Acupuncture stimulation is one of the factors that make you feel good.

The presentation I taught won the Excellence Award.
The presentation I taught won the Excellence Award.

Acupuncture affects thinning hair.

Case report

薄毛 鍼灸 つぼ 変化
薄毛 鍼灸 つぼ 変化

The BAIKA SHIN (plum blossom acupuncture) is used for self-care to prevent thinning hair.

Seminar information

Acupuncture to the head (50 minutes / 7,000 yen)


3,000 yen from the second time onwards.

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